Plane Talk
Cascade Publishing

Independence, OR  
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Little known fact:  I played drums in a band during my year in US Air Force pilot training.  We were the LTD's.  (That stood for Lauran, Thom and Dean.  The other guy's name was Gary but we couldn't fit it in.)

In order, in the picture, that's Dean, Thom, me and Gary.....all fellow USAF student pilots. 1960's music known to mankind.  And we were darn good (or at least we thought so).​​  Boy howdy, that was a fun year!

(Sadly, Dean has passed away​. Cancer. Problematically, he was exposed to Agent Orange during his Vietnam service. ​Military service, indeed, has its challenges. But, always, Dean was a patriot through-and-through. Thanks for the memories, buddy!)

I stayed in touch with all of them. All had flying careers. ​​




        Wing takeoff.....almost more fun than a human being should be allowed to have....